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Friday, January 5, 2018


I literally woke up today thinking about you. That's huge, if you know what I mean. Like I've already said, I don't know you from Adam (or Eve), yet I know whom I'm talking to. It is not important to me what you look like on the outside (because that's gonna change), but who you see in the mirror when you look at yourself. I've always believed that "a broke person can be helped over rough times, but a broken person is lost forever". That, to me, is a fact of life that no amount of pyschological mumbo-jumbo and spiritualist mantras can help you overcome. What kind of brain are you working with to achieve your goals?
If you have already accepted the conditions of your current  environment as the "facts" of life, you might be broken. We view "facts" as ironclad truths and your brain accepts that. Therefore it will not give you any help to change your environment. The doors to your breakthrough are closed and your journey is over before it even starts. You are doomed to hoping for handouts for the rest of your life; hoping to be deemed worthy of pity by people who themselves need pity.
If, on the other hand, you recognize that you are in need of a change of environment, that you need to find a better CIRCUMSTANCE than the one you are in right now, then your brain will continuously give you suggestions of where to look. Your brain will work for you. Despite all outward appearances, you might be temporarily broke, but you're not broken. It is you, beaten but unbowed, for whom this blog exists. IT IS YOU for whom a chance encounter will become the key for which you have been searching. It is you, my friend, that makes all this worthwhile.

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