Your world is pregnant..with possibilities. That may be a strange way of putting it but have you ever woken up with the excitement of what was possible for you on any given day? Have you ever been excited with anticipation of what a particular day meant for your life? Imagine the possibilities that each day holds for your life. Imagine what you could accomplish with these next 24 hours? Imagine what life-changing activities can happen for you. Possibilities..possibilities...possibilities, the range is endless, the concept is mind-boggling.
All around you, Life buzzes along, offering up a myriad of opportunities to each and everyone who is willing to accept them. You may not be able to see them, though, unless you are willing to remove your blinders, whatever they may be. You may not even recognize you're wearing blinders; you may be too preoccupied with the daily problems of your life. Just like the racehorse who does not know how many other horses are participating or how important a race is, because of its blinders, you may struggle through the day without ever knowing the possibilities you have ignored. Or worse yet, you could be playing or throwing a pity party for friends who aren't remotely interested in whatever your latest complaint may be. While complaints, grievances and other forms of mal-contentment may appear to be superficially satisfying, they are practically useless. They effectively serve as blinders to keep you unaware of the possibilities of the day.THE STRUGGLES OF DAILY LIFE
Many of us view life as a struggle for existence. That, unfortunately, is one view of life. It may be popular, but still unfortunate and damning to our use of the resources and our limited time on this planet. This view is the primary cause of overlooking the possibilities each day offers. In this view, Life is seen as an aggressive abuser, not as a gracious benefactor. The tests it offers and the opportunities it gives to awaken and discover your latent powers are frowned upon as "problems". Instead of living in a state of constant gratitude, many of us live in a state of perpetual resentment. Unfortunately, this is a condition of our own making. This is purely a symptom of our own mental conditioning. Should we decide to revamp our mindset and upgrade our skills in the future, these "problems" disappear in the fog of "history".
If you've ever kept pennies in a jar as a little kid, you've probably experienced one of life's lessons about the inevitability of change. Before you start putting your pennies into the jar, it was just a useless jar, gathering dust. It could even be considered clutter. When you decided to make it useful, it became an asset. As time went by, the humble penny jar became the source of dollars and, sometimes, it may have even been a comfort to the entire household. Imagine that, from a useless piece of trash to a major asset in your life. What changed? The view of the bottle. You accepted the possibilities Life offered and Life delivered without fail.
Like that humble penny jar, daily life is pregnant with possibilities. But keep in mind that, like pregnancy, All Life's possibilities have a gestational period. They all require some time for development and birth. Give them enough time and the world will someday sing your praises. Before you can see the benefit of the opportunity, you have to prepare yourself for the outcome. Consider yourself as a co-parent of the opportunity. Behold, Life has offered this opportunity to you; Life has decide to partner with you to make this possibility a reality. Think of how many rejections Life had to experience before you said "yes" to the idea. So as a proud parent of whatever the opportunity you have accepted, take all precautions necessary to properly nurture your goal to maturity. If Life did not know you could do it, it wouldn't have offered to partner with you. See you at the top!
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