Want to improve?    

Saturday, January 13, 2018


What motivates you to want to improve your life at this stage of your existence?  

Are you aware that You can change your circumstances at any point in your life by answering a few soul-searching questions? You absolutely can.
What's your source of inspiration? In the artistic world , artists credit their creative achievements to their "muses" . Other people credit their achievements to "needs", desperation, injustices, admiration of someone, wanting to belong, etc.  In other words, there are lots of reasons why people decide to change their circumstances in life. What's going to motivate you to achieve your goals? You need to clearly identify your reason for deciding to change your living environment at this time of your life. In some circles it's called "finding your why". Notice that I refer to changing your life environment, not just to obtaining a temporary goal. That is to help you to distinguish temporary goals (of which there'll be many) from life-changing events. Without deciding where you are going, you won't know when you get there.Without a clear goal in mind, basking in temporary accomplishments will derail you for long periods of time.

So, what's your motivation for your decision to improve your life environment?

 This is a very vital, personal question. Before you answer it, I suggest you consider how you feel about where you are right now. Your feelings will either undermine your desire to change or they will bolster it. Where do you really see yourself in life? Are you truly living up to your capabilities or to someone else's definition of you? Who's yanking your chain right now? Many of us aren't living our desired lives; we are living the lives our employers and friends allow us to live. How do you truly want to live in these few years you will dwell on this earth? Your answers to questions such as these will help you determine what you have to do, learn and study (yes, study) to achieve your desired goals.

Once you have your ideas and emotions synchronized, embarking on your quest becomes that much simpler. 

good luck sign
Find your motivation
Notice I said "simpler", not easier. You still have arduous tasks to perform. You still have unpleasant duties to undertake to learn the " how" of the things you must do to become the person you want to be. You still have to study the material to develop your necessary skills . But, with these questions answered, you should now not as easily mistake your temporary achievements for your permanent goals. Flattery and false opinions of others should more readily be taken in stride without becoming derailing. You should now have an internal compass to guide you on your journey to your ultimate destination. You now have focused goals to achieve.

Map out a Strategy

Depending on your level of preparedness and your desired goal, you now have to map out your future strategy. It may be that no two people have the same goal or level of preparedness. However you will find someone that can teach you some of the skills you need to acquire during your journey. Do not be too proud to become a willing apprentice. Aligning yourself with these people will shave years off your learning curve. Study books and information relevant to achieving your goals. These aids will help you to upgrade your level of preparedness. At each step along your way, find your muse, someone who has the necessary knowledge to show you what you need to learn at that point in time. Become a perpetual student of your life. By becoming immersed in the study and implementation of the learned skills of your life, you will remain motivated by your daily progress and closer to achieving your goals.